Student Council
2018-2019 Student Council Members
Student Council Advisor- Ms. Jill Maloney
Prime Minister - Salam Radhaa
Prime Minister - Kiran Multani
Minister of Faith and Belonging - Faith Vezina
Junior Minister - Brook Cramer
Minister of Spirit - Aijah Regidor
Minister of Student Wellness - Huda Rajab
Minister of Arts and Culture - Claire Dulong
Minister of Communications - Tyson George and Marta Pavliv
Minister of Technology - Saja El-Shaer
Minister of Finance - Zach Gillis
Junior Minister of Social Justice - Maria Zangari
Senior Minister of Social Justice - Hanna Maekebay
Minister of the Environment - Kate Martin
Female Minister of Sport - Rachel Gall
Male Minister of Sport - Ayman Alkharraz
Female Jr. Athletic Representative - Sara Govedarica
Male Jr. Athletic Representative - Gavin Clark