Cooperative Education
What is it?
Who is it for?
How does it help?
Students have the opportunity to:
- Experience hands-on learning
- "Test-drive" career options
- See the relevance of their classroom learning
- Develop the essential skills and habits required in the workplace
- Gain valuable work experience to help build a resumé for post secondary programs and future employment
Future Co-op Students & Application
You are embarking on one of the most memorable and life-changing high school experiences of being part of a unique and tailored co-op experience. Each one of you will be in a class where all of you will be part of a different co-op workplace, meeting and working with new people and building your skills and knowledge. Please complete the forms below that are required for acceptance and planning for your co-operative education placement. Plan for 20-45 minutes to complete the CCH CO-OP forms. Complete steps 1-4 below.
One of the most frequent questions and concerns students have is about their co-op placement- where you will work for two consecutive periods during a school day? There isn't a list of placements where you just get "placed", you and the teacher will work together to secure a placement. You need to research where and why you want to work at a particular workplace (Application Form). Co-op placements that are tied to CCH still require workplace interviews and often there may be more than one student applying for the same job.
Complete Steps:
Step 1: Select COP3X/4X course in myBlueprint- when choosing your courses for the following school year
- Completing the application does NOT add the course to your schedule
- Ensure to select the course early as it fills up quickly
Step 2: Application Form - Due by Tuesday, April 30 2024 (*This is NOT for LEAP or ELP)
- Click on the above link to complete the application. Please note that the placement section is only for preliminary planning and doesn't mean that is where you will work.
- Please note that specialty programs such SHSM Non-Profit, the Navy/Military and London Hospitals (LHSC), London City Police have their own co-op application process (see Helpful Links found at the bottom of this page) that will need to be completed by May/June. You will need to complete their online forms and respect their due dates. Teachers are not permitted to complete these forms and we are not given any updates on application status. All communication is done with the organization and the student.
Step 3: CCH Co-op Teacher Reference Due by Friday, May 10 2024
- You will need to provide the name and email address of your two teachers of choice (from this school year) that you feel would provide you with a strong recommendation to take co-op. It is best to consult with the teachers before submitting them as references.
- Link to CCH Staff Email List
- NOT REQUIRED for SHSM students, as you have already been interviewed and accepted by the Lead Teachers.
- Teachers will be emailed the form.
Step 4: CO-OP Interview Be sure to check your school email
- Interviews will be on a case by case basis. If you do not receive an email from Ms. Martin or Ms. Moco then you will be enrolled in COP3X/4X for the 2024/2025 school year.
- If you have not done so already, PLEASE fill out the application form (linked above). This form helps us determine a suitable placement for you. Placements are highly competitive and by filling out the application you will be more likely to get a placement that you want.
Helpful Information & Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program
Canadian Armed Forces- How to Apply
London Hospital Application
- Application is found on the webpage
- Please Note: the application regarding High School co-op placement will be added on August 19th and due on August 25th.
Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC) - Police Background Check