Learning Services

The Learning Services Department helps ensure that all students, regardless of ability, have an opportunity to successfully learn in a Catholic environment.


  • Develop and implement Individual Education Plans (IEP) 
  • Provide test preparation  
  • Offer remedial support 
  • Provide assistive technology support  - Chromebook support, Google Read and Write etc
  • Conference with students, teachers and parents 
  • Assist with course selection 
  • Provide after school help for EQAO testing. 
  •  Administer EQAO Math and EQAO Literacy Test with approved accommodations as indicated on IEP
  • Administer Academic Assessments 
  • Access supports from Board and Community Agencies 
  • Access LDCSB’s Alternative Educational Program 


For  more information on Special Education support and services, please consult The London District Catholic School Board Parent Guide to Special Education

The School to Community Pathways Program supports and works with students who have intellectual and developmental disabilities.
This program helps students:
  • develop employability skills
  • develop social skills
  • be integrated into a variety of school courses
  • be involved in a variety of recreational, volunteer and vocational activities