The Importance of Technological Education in the Curriculum
Technological innovation influences all areas of life, from the daily lives of individuals to the work of business and government, to interactions on a global scale. It helps meet basic human needs and provides tools for improving people's lives and exploring new frontiers. For more information, please contact:
Danny Santarella
Department Head of Technology and Cooperative Education
519-675-4431 ext. 21133
The fundamental purpose of the technological education program is to provide students with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enhance their ability to achieve success in secondary school, the workplace, postsecondary education or training, and daily life.
The goals of the technological education curriculum are to enable students to:
- gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts underlying technological education;
- achieve the level of technological competence they will need in order to succeed in their postsecondary education or training programs or in the workplace;
- develop a creative and flexible approach to problem solving that will help them address challenges in various areas throughout their lives;
- develop the skills, including critical thinking skills, and the knowledge of strategies required to do research, conduct inquiries, and communicate findings accurately, ethically, and effectively;
- develop lifelong learning habits that will help them adapt to technological advances in the changing workplace and world; make connections that will help them take advantage of potential postsecondary educational and work opportunities.
- The philosophy that underlies broad-based technological education is that students learn best by doing. This curriculum therefore adopts an activity-based, project-driven approach that involves students in problem solving as they develop knowledge and skills and gain experience in the technological subject area of their choice.
- Rather than focusing on specific occupations, courses in this broad-based technology curriculum explore groups of related occupations and industry sectors within particular subject areas. So, for example, workplace preparation courses in construction technology enable students to acquire knowledge and skills related to carpentry, electrical/network cabling, heating and cooling, masonry, and plumbing.
- Broad-based technology courses enable students to develop a variety of transferable skills that will serve them well in a complex and ever-changing workplace. For example, problem- solving skills are transferable skills, because they can be applied in a wide variety of situations to solve problems of various kinds.
Choosing the Right Technology Course
The technological education program at Catholic Central encompasses five subject areas. For Grade 9, one introductory broad-based technology course – Exploring Technologies (TIJ1O) – is a sample of all 5 areas designed to provide a student the opportunity to experience all areas before choosing further studies.
Grade 9 students may also select any specific broad-based technology by selecting any of the Grade 10 courses. All courses offered in Grades 9 and 10 are “open” courses. Open courses, which comprise a set of expectations that are appropriate for all students, are designed to broaden students’ knowledge and skills in subjects that reflect their interests, and to prepare them for active and rewarding participation in society. They are not designed with the specific requirements of universities, colleges, or the workplace in mind.
The technological education program in Grades 11 and 12 is designed to enable students to select courses that relate to their interests and that will prepare them for further study or work in the technological field of their choice. The Grade 11 and 12 curriculum offers university/college preparation, college preparation, workplace preparation, and open courses.
Although courses in technological education are optional, students should keep in mind that they can take any Grade 9–12 technological education course to fulfil the Group 3 additional compulsory credit requirement for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. Some technological education courses are included in programs that lead to a diploma with a Specialist High Skills Major in Hospitality and Not-for-Profit sectors.
Grade 9 or 10 Course |
Focus at CCH |
TIJ 1O Exploring Technology |
A sample of all technology programs at Catholic Central including: ·Communications – Basic Graphic Design ·Construction – Basic Woodworking ·Computer Engineering – Building and Operating Computers ·Hospitality and Tourism – Introduction to Cooking ·Technological Design – Introduction to Technical Drawing |
TCJ 2O Construction Technology |
·Woodworking ·Operation of hand and power tools ·Basic electrical ·Basic plumbing ·General building construction |
TDJ 2O Technological Design |
·The Design Process ·Principles of Design ·Hand drawn design techniques ·Digital Design using AutoCad |
TEJ 2O Computer Engineering Technology |
·Computer Hardware ·Basic Networking ·Software installation and configuration ·Electronics Fundamentals ·Computer Troubleshooting |
TFJ 2O Hospitality and Tourism |
·Kitchen Safety ·Food Handling ·Menu Planning ·Basic Cooking Techniques |
TGJ 2O Communications Technology |
·Photo Editing and Layout ·2D Animation, digital and hand drawn ·Audio and Music editing ·Video production |
CCH Technology Staff